
发布时间:2013-10-09    点击:    来源:本站原创    录入者:承璇



5B  Unit 8  E 部分教学设计:  

T: 我们知道每种昆虫都有它的特点。Let's learn to say.   

Ants can carry big things. Butterflies and dragonflies are beautiful. They dance in the flowers. Fireflies are very special. ( special) They glow at night.   

Read in pairs.  

T: Now let’s meet a new friend. He likes insects, too. Let’s watch the cartoon.  

T: I think the boy likes insects very much. Let’s watch againand try to answer my questions.   

1. Where does the boy study? He studies at Yu Cai Primary School.   

2. How does he spend his weekends? He often goes to the park.  

3. What is he talking about? He's talking about insects.   

T: (PPT 呈现 E 部分图片)There are a lot of insects in the park. There are ants, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies and other interesting insects. (教学 other, other interesting insects)   

T: What can the insects do? You may read the passage, then tell me and answer the questions.  

4. What can ants do? They can carry big things.   

5. What can butterflies and dragonflies do? They can dance in the flowers.   

6. What can fireflies do? They can glow at night. T: So the boy catch them and put them in bottles. What a lovely boy! (教学 primary school)   

T: What insect do you like? Listen to me ! I like butterflies. They are beautiful. They can dance in the flowers. (PPT 出示) How about you? What insect do you like? (PPT 出示) 请你仿照老师的话用英语在小组里说一说你喜欢的昆虫,以及喜欢它的理由。  

反思:不可否认,以这一流程来上课比较四平八稳,且能涵盖学生的听说读写,环环相扣,步步设立任务。但若所有的课文都这样教学,久而久之,学生便觉索然无味,他们不再有期盼和耳目一新之感。对背景知识的了解,从而给理解能力带来影响。在阅读课学习中,尽管大多数学生在之前的学习中储备了不少的词汇,但仍不能很好地读懂课文,这正是因为他们缺乏相应的背景知识所造成的。反复讲解知识点、难句,惟恐学生不能理解、掌握新句型,最后再辅之以句子翻译等练习来巩固新授内容。这种做法只呈现了教材内容,而没有认真分析真实的教育目的,没有将真实的语境和语用功能呈现给学生,结果学生记住一大堆语句和词汇,但在迁移运用语言时却不知所措。给部分学生造成了一定负担。学生英语水平呈两级分化现象;另一方面,由于教学时间有限,教师为了加快教学进度也难以兼顾后进生,因此很有可能                                       学生英语学习两极分化严重的现象。  



    主办单位:常州市郑陆实验小学 苏ICP备05086717号-1
    技术支持:常州市教育科学研究院、常州万兆网络科技有限公司 访问统计
