My ideas on learner-centered teaching
(Learner-centered learning requires learner-centered teaching.) Learner-centered teaching idea has been paid more and more attention. Only the learner-centered English teaching mode can meet the need of teaching at present. The shift from "teacher-centered" teaching mode to "learner-centered" teaching mode calls for learners' responsibility for their own learning. The learner-centered label now gets attached to teaching strategies, teachers, classes, programs, departments and institutions. Active learning is called learner-centered.
Learner-centered teaching motivates students by giving them some control over learning processes. We can give students some choice about which assignments they complete. We can make classroom policies something students can discuss. We can let students set assignment deadlines within a given time. We can ask students to help create assessment criteria.
Learner-centered teaching encourages collaboration. Learner-centered teachers recognize, and research consistently confirms, that students can learn from and with each other. Certainly the teacher has the expertise and an obligation to share, but teachers can learn from students as well.
Let's try our best and practise more with the teaching method of Learner-Centered.